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10 DIY Valentine’s Gifts – Make Them Love You Even More

In one’s oh-so busy lives, everything is time-bound. And, even though you want to floor your loved one on the big day, office commitment plays the usual spoilsport. Leaving you frazzled, and even more stressed because you now have to resort to that done-to-death card and chocolates for her. Shopping for gift turns more of a nightmare than a pleasurable task because the pressure of purchasing a great gift and beating the time deadline take all the joy out of shopping.

But, why not bypass all this stress this year and give your loved one a Valentine’s day gift she will truly cherish. Something that you made yourself. Yes, that’s right. Sure, it might take a little extra time and creativity, but the end results will be worth it, trust us.

Here are the top DIY gift ideas to rock her Valentine’s Day:

1.  Marshmallows out of a box

marshmallows out of a boxMacey Foronda / BuzzFeed

2. Massive heart on your mirror

massive heart on your mirrortheyesgirls.com

3. Red and pink Starburst jar

red and pink Starburst jarthehomesihavemade.com

4. Dress up their drunk food of choice

Dress up their drunk food of choicesocreativethings.com

5. Makeover a map from your latest trip together

Makeover a map from your latest trip togetherMeera Lee Patel // Ulysses Press // InstaCraft / Via amazon.com

6. Write a big candy love letter

enhanced-15674-1422980685-16[1]themetapicture.com / Via thewowstyle.com

7. Make a package of cookie dough Oreos

Make a package of cookie dough OreosMake a safe-to-eat raw dough and then get to stuffing.

8. Bake a heart cake

anigif_optimized-14730-1422989964-13[1]John Gara // BuzzFeed

9. Create a compliment jar


10.Have a complete breakfast-in-bed kit ready to go

 Have a complete breakfast-in-bed kit ready to godesignisyay.com
